What pathologies do you encounter on a daily basis?

We receive people with all kinds of pathologies. Specifically, we encounter accident victims. But in general, we are rather dealing with bouts of malaria or infectious syndromes.

Have you ever been in an emergency?

Yes. We sometimes have work accidents that occur at the agent's site. When this happens, the medical service is contacted and the nurse who is on duty goes to the scene, makes the report and reports to me to find out what to do.

Is the treatment of security officers different from that of others?

For the same pathology, the way of treating does not differ. But this difference can occur in the follow-up, according to the positions or according to the type of function performed.

What advice do you give to agents to keep their health in good shape?

Generally, for those who come to consult us, we ask them to have a healthy lifestyle. In fact, we treat them the same as athletes.

Are you involved in recruiting? If yes, how ?

We do intervene. Apart from conventional care, we practice activities specific to occupational medicine. First, hiring visits. This allows us to monitor the agent in case any pathology is detected.

What does the job visit consist of?

It includes a clinical examination and para clinical examinations. During the physical examination, abnormalities in some organs may be found. We then carry out paraclinical examinations. We ask the candidate to provide a chest x-ray, an ECG work-up, a visual acuity work-up as well as laboratory tests.

Once the candidate is selected, there are what are called periodic visits. They take place at least once a year. Then there are the follow-up visits that take place after an agent returns from leave or after a prolonged absence from his post. You have to make sure that you are in good physical health before your recovery.